Engine Clean Solutions Inc.

Baldwin Park, CA


About Engine Clean Solutions Inc.


5112 Heintz St.
Baldwin Park, CA
United States

More Info on Engine Clean Solutions Inc.

Engine Clean Solutions was founded in 1990, before "Green" was fashionable, on the simple premise that an engine runs better when its internal parts are free of sludge, varnish and other by-products of combustion. We have been manufacturing products based on that premise ever since.

Consumer interest in our products has been fueled by higher gasoline prices and by an increasing sense of social responsibility. You will find that your customers appreciate the availability of services that can increase fuel efficiency and reduce the impact of their vehicles on the environment.


Brake Flusher Back 542c46e00079a 546d14f42db61

Hybrid Brake Fluid Exchange Machine

Oct. 1, 2014
The Engine Clean Solutions Hybrid Brake Fluid Exchange Machine will service previous generation braking systems in addition to the newest generation of electric and hybrid vehlicles...
D-2000 diesel fuel system service
Diagnostic & Repair

D-2000 diesel fuel system service tool

Jan. 25, 2013
Engine Clean Solutions' D-2000 diesel fuel system service tool helps eliminate a variety of engine symptoms, including hard start, rough idle, engine smoke, low power and engine...
Hybrid brake bleeder machine

Hybrid brake bleeder machine

Sept. 27, 2012
Engine Clean Solution's hybrid brake bleed machine can service both hybrid vehicles that require higher than normal bleeding pressures and non-hybrid vehicles. This machine provides...
Enginecleansolutions Egrtool 10721163

Ford Diesel EGR Tool

May 24, 2012
Engine Clean’s Ford Diesel EGR Tool cleans the Ford diesel EGR system of carbon, varnish, and gums; cleans the EGR valve, EGR intake and coolant tube. Uses shop air to inject ...

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