SAKOR Technologies, Inc.

Okemos, MI 48864


About SAKOR Technologies, Inc.


2855 W. Jolly Rd.
Okemos, MI 48864
United States

More Info on SAKOR Technologies, Inc.

SAKOR Technologies, Inc. is a recognized leader in the manufacture and development of reliable and cost-effective automated test instrumentation systems for a wide range of applications. For over 20 years, the company has been providing quality products and superior customer service to a variety of markets including automotive, performance racing, military, aerospace, marine, heavy equipment, electric motor, consumer appliance and more.


Marotta Dyno Lab Em System With Model Enhanced
Shop Equipment

Sakor Technologies provides customized starter/alternator testing systems

April 17, 2019
This test system offers the ability to test the maximum power, speed, and generator capacity of starter/alternators.
Shop Equipment

Sakor Technologies provides dynamometer testing system to Hyundai Mobi

June 28, 2017
The dynamometer system will be used by the corporate engineering group in South Korea for engineering validation and performance evaluation of electric motors.
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Industry News

SAKOR Technologies celebrates 30th anniversary

March 29, 2017
The company has grown from a two-person firm writing real time software for other companies’ test systems to an industry leader developing and manufacturing its own control systems...
Sakor Belt Noise Test Stand 54188a0628b13
Diagnostic & Repair

Belt Noise Test Stand

Sept. 16, 2014
The SAKOR Technologies Belt Noise Test Stand has been supplied to Ford Motor Company to meet new SAE specifications for belt noise in vehicle Front End Accessory Drive (FEAD) ...

Articles & News

Hybrid Test System Functional 10843963
Diagnostic & Repair

High-voltage battery simulator and test systems critical for EV and HEV development

Dec. 18, 2012
Systems essential for conducting research and development, performance and durability testingon electrical vehicles and hybrid/electric vehicles.

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All content from SAKOR Technologies, Inc.

Sakor Micro Dyne1 54109fbe2ccd6

MicroDyne series of small motoring dynamometers

Sept. 9, 2014
The MicroDyne series of small motoring dynamometers are ideal for a wide range of automotive applications. These dynamometers are capable of testing all types of small rotary ...
The AC Dynamometer
Emissions & Efficiency

Sakor delivers hybrid and vehicle test system to UQM technolgies

Sept. 21, 2012
Complete turnkey system ideal for testing traction motors in hybrid and electric vehicles
Microdyneacdynamometerlarge 10637424
Diagnostic & Repair

SAKOR Technologies introduces MicroDyne series of small motoring dynamometers

March 7, 2012
Ideal for testing small rotary devices in automotive, military and aerospace applications.