
Quebec City, QC G2K 1W6


About Creepex


153 Boul. Louis XIV
Quebec City, QC G2K 1W6

More Info on Creepex


Creepex Fast Back 59106f2ee30f7
Shop Equipment

FastBack creeper

May 1, 2017
The Creepex Fastback allows technicians to maneuver over floor grates, air hoses, and even unpaved driveways. This patent-pending creeper offers handling control for an ideal ...
Creepex 5626ae0e6d049
Shop Equipment

Speedster Mechanics Creeper

Jan. 10, 2017
The Creepex Speedster Mechanics Creeper can roll over floor grates, air hoses and even unpaved driveways. This creeper provides users with total displacement control for an ideal...
Creepercreepexxts 10239788
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Bodyguard XT-S Creeper

March 14, 2011
Engineered to withstand the weight and impact of a falling vehicle, the Creepex Bodyguard XT-S Creeper's built-in structure can sustain a constant load of 30,000 lbs. Mounted ...

Videos & Resources

Creepex Speedster Video
Shop Equipment

Creepex Speedster Video

Oct. 14, 2015
The Creepex Speedster can roll over many surfaces as demonstrated in this video.

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