Chambersburg, PA 17201


About IMI


25 Penncraft Ave
Chambersburg, PA 17201

More Info on IMI

Founded in 1973, IMI has been an industry solution provider that addresses truck tire and wheel efficiency and safety. IMI's goal is to deliver extra miles by providing high quality solutions and exceptional customer service in addition to profitability and effectiveness for fleets. The company is constantly looking for new and better ways to solve issues and a willingness to brainstorm even the most unlikely ideas. In addition, the company's products, including Equal, STS Tire Sealant, Checkpoint, and IMI Wheel Refinishing, are designed to outperform the competition.


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Shop Equipment


March 12, 2020
The IMI ALUMINATOR System is a three-part process that will wash, clean, and finish aluminum wheels with the option of a shine or a matte-like finish. This cleaning system was...
Photo courtesy of Eco Flaps
From Left: Bren Marshell, Eco Flaps; Bob Fogal, IMI; Jan Polka, RealWheels Corporation.
Emissions & Efficiency

Eco Flaps announces partnership with RearWheels and IMI

March 27, 2018
The companies commissioned Southwest Research Institute to conduct a road-based fuel consumption test on Class 8 equipment.
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Equal Flexx

May 5, 2016
The IMI Equal Flexx internal balancing compound reduces fuel and tire costs by removing vibration from the wheel end, there fore optimizing efficiency of the rotating assembly...

Articles & News

Photo courtesy of Goodyear Commercial North America
Fleets should check for irregular tire wear at each position, particularly for trailer tires as vibrations are not typically felt within the cab.

Evaluating on-tire balancing options

June 12, 2020
From wheel weights and internal compounds to balance rings, how to decide which options are best for your fleet.
Photo courtesy of IMI
IMI’s MILCURE is a three-step steel wheel refinishing system designed to prolong the life of wheels and protects against corrosion.
Fluids & Chemicals

Choose the right solution for corrosion prevention

Dec. 3, 2019
Product options to prolong life of a vehicle and its components
De-icing products such as road salt used on roadways and parking lots in colder climates can be highly corrosive.
Fluids & Chemicals

Steps to understand and prevent corrosion

Dec. 3, 2019
Best practices for prolonging the life of vehicles and components.

Videos & Resources

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Brakes, Tire & Wheel

New ideas in motion: improving tire wear and fuel economy

May 24, 2016
Nussbaum focuses on preventative maintenance and data driven acceptance of new technology. The test fleet averaged 8.4 mpg prior to using Equal.
VIDEO: IMI Equal Flexx vs. No Balance

VIDEO: IMI Equal Flexx Vs. No Balance

May 20, 2016
Take a look inside the cab of each truck during the Ride and Drive event, hosted by IMI to demonstrate the difference Equal Flexx makes.
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Brakes, Tire & Wheel

Case Study: North American Carrier with EQUAL in the steer position

April 28, 2016
A trial of 310 trucks took place; tracking 155 trucks with EQUAL installed in new steer tires against records of 155 trucks where traditional lead balancing was used as a control...


Samantha Krepps

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All content from IMI

Placing Equal Flexx within the truck tires for the Ride and Drive event.

IMI Ride And Drive Event – Experiencing Equal Flexx

May 20, 2016
With the launch of Equal Flexx this week, IMI hosted a Ride and Drive event. Guests were asked todecide for themselves if they could feel the difference between a truck with unbalanced...
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Tire Sealant

April 30, 2010
IMI's says its EcoSeal tire sealant technology seals injuries in the crown area up to 1/4" in diameter for the life of the tire tread. It is specially formulated to deliver superior...
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Fluids & Chemicals

Equal Tire Formula

June 25, 2007
Equal Tire Performance is a patented balancer and vibration dampener for the complete tire and wheel assembly. According to the company, unlike traditional lead weight balancing...