L S Industries

Wichita, KS 67214


About L S Industries


710 East 17th Street
Wichita, KS 67214
United States

More Info on L S Industries

LS Industries designs and manufactures a full line of metal cleaning equipment for the automotive market. Integrated abrasive blast cleaning systems including those specially designed for cleaning tire and wheel rims, gas and other cylinders combine cleaning, preparation for powder coating or painting. Brake Deliners featuring dual mandrels are another of the LS specialty products for brake shops. Custom structural airless shot blast cabinets using conveyor and monorail systems are engineered by the in-house engineering staff for efficient and economical cleaning, degreasing and deburring of metal parts and pieces of all sizes including automotive blocks and heads. Other products include pressure washers, flow-thru washers, industrial washers, rotary washers, jet spray washers and other aqueous cleaning systems as well as Infrared ovens. Rubber Belt Blasters and vibratory cleaning equipment round out the large list of metal cleaning machines provided by LS Industries.


Heavydutydualmandrelbrakedeliner 10127431
Shop Equipment

Heavy Duty Dual Mandrel Brake Deliner

June 25, 2007
L S Industries introduces the Heavy Duty Dual Mandrel Brake Deliner. Deline any heavy duty brake shoe and enjoy low operating and maintenance costs. Full hydraulic operation. ...

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