The refrigerated transportation technology company announced two new TRUs at the Advanced Clean Transportation Expo. The company also provided updates on its recent partnerships...
The company’s new system complements its TracKing Pro offering to monitor not just fuel levels, door status, and temperature, but brakes, lights, the wheel hub, and more.
Refrigerated fleet operators and large grocery chains with sustainability initiatives are assessing the impact of the new EPA regulations and the continuing California Air Resources...
Starting in December 2022, the lower Global Warming Potential R452A refrigerant will be the standard option on single and multi-temperature truck refrigeration units manufactured...
Through 2,500 hours of trial runs, the evolve electric trailer kept food and other critical cargo fresh for the major retailers and logistics providers, while TracKing telematics...
Customers in Calif. who purchase the e200 or e1000 transport refrigeration units for their trucks will be eligible to receive point-of-sale discounts through the California Air...
By changing over from R-404A refrigerant to the more eco-friendly R-452A in its trucks and trailers, Thermo King estimates an annual reduction of approximately 650,000 metric ...
The company’s Air Purification Solution is integrated in the bus HVAC unit and leverages a filter, paired with a cleaning technology, to capture and deactivate certain viruses...
Combined with electric vehicles, the E-200 creates refrigerated transportation that delivers food and perishable items safely with zero-emission and low noise.
Thermo King T-90 Series truck transport refrigeration units (TRU) are designed to burn less fuel as the unit cools and reduce the hours that the engine runs to decrease costs ...