ATEC Trans-Tool LP

San Antonio, TX 78203


About ATEC Trans-Tool LP


110 Connelly St
San Antonio, TX 78203

More Info on ATEC Trans-Tool LP


Trans Tool Stainless Steel Parts Washer 586fd7ed490a2
Shop Equipment

Signature Series Stainless Steel Parts Washer

Jan. 4, 2017
The ATEC Trans-Tool Signature Series Stainless Steel Parts Washer offers a high-quality 403 SS cabinet shell, a 43” interior working height and a 30” direct drive turntable. The...
Ss Evap 20160914 092429 586fd7a8e95ed
Shop Equipment

SS-EVAP 50 Gallon Waste Water Evaporation System

Jan. 4, 2017
The Trans Tool SS-EVAP 50 Gallon Waste Water Evaporation System eliminates the need for a bulk wastewater hauler. The SS-EVAP can evaporate 50 gallons of wastewater in 12 hours...
T 0176 Dc 11574871
Shop Equipment

T-0176 Drain Cart

July 15, 2014
The Trans-Tool T-0176 Drain Cart is made of heavy duty 12-gauge steel. This Drain Cart includes a 40-gal drain tank with a perforated metal inside shelf for catching large pieces...
Transtoolt0100cs Cleaningstati 10569304
Shop Equipment

T-0100-CS Cleaning Station

Dec. 21, 2011
Trans-Tool introduces the T-0100-CS aqueous Cleaning Station. The T-0100-CS is both a full-size cabinet washer combo with a detailing sink and pump, and detailing brush attachment...

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All content from ATEC Trans-Tool LP

Vwpinionshaftretainerwrench 10096596

VW-Pinion Shaft Retainer Wrench

Feb. 26, 2008
Grasp Those Hard to Reach Places ATEC unveils their brand new T-3550 VW-Pinion Shaft Retainer Wrench that repairs worn out bearings and leaking seal problems in the differentials...
T0100agaqautomaticpartswasher 10096598
Shop Equipment

T-0100-AG-AQ Automatic Parts Washer

Feb. 26, 2008
80 Gallon Tank Capacity ATEC introduces the Aqueous Parts Automatic Washer to their line of cleaning systems. The T-0100-AG-AQ parts washer has an 80 gallon tank capacity with...
Stillcleansolventrecycler 10096600
Shop Equipment

StillClean Solvent Recycler

Feb. 26, 2008
Relish This New Recycler ATEC Trans-Tool offers their newest product, the StillClean Solvent Recycler that is designed to be small, efficient and portable. Weighing only 29 lbs...
T0100toptoploadingpartswasher 10096602
Shop Equipment

T-0100-TOP Top Loading Parts Washer

Feb. 26, 2008
A New Parts Washer Atec Trans-Tool introduces the T-0100-TOP aqueous top loading parts washer, available in 110 or 220 voltage models. The new parts washer is available with a...
T0177solvpartswasher 10096606
Shop Equipment

T-0177-SOLV parts washer

Feb. 26, 2008
ATEC Trans-Tool introduces their T-0177-SOLV parts washer featuring a removable rack where the Stillclean unit can be placed. Now you can clean solvent on demand (when purchased...