Klann Tools

N. Charleston, SC 29418


About Klann Tools


7187 Bryhawke Cir, Suite 700
N. Charleston, SC 29418

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Exhausthangerhooks 10130286

Exhaust Hanger Hooks

Dec. 4, 2008
Auto technicians who regularly change exhaust pipes and mufflers also get used to skinned knuckles, sore hands and, sometimes, black eyes.Now KLANN Tools comes to their rescue...
Oxygensensorwrenchno 10102763
Diagnostic & Repair

Oxygen Sensor Wrench No. KL-0132-82A

Nov. 17, 2008
The low-profile 6- and 12-point combination head and a curved handle with comfortable hand grip of Klann Tools' Oxygen Sensor Wrench, No. KL-0132-82A, give techs the clearance...
Innertierodtoolno 10102761

Inner Tie Rod Tool No. KL-0167-20

Nov. 17, 2008
Klann's unique eccentric lock design of the Inner Tie Rod Tool, No. KL-0167-20, allows techs to remove inner tie rod ends without disassembling the steering rack from the vehicle...
Oxygensensorwrench 10130134
Diagnostic & Repair

Oxygen Sensor Wrench

Nov. 4, 2008
From Klann Tools, Inc., the low-profile 6 & 12-point combination head and a curved handle with comfortable hand grip give you the clearance and extra leverage needed for removing...
Tierodtool 10130132

Tie Rod Tool

Nov. 4, 2008
KLANN's unique eccentric lock design lets you remove inner tie rod ends without disassembling the steering rack from the vehicle, making the job quicker and easier. The tool accommodate...


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All content from Klann Tools

Balljointsplitterpresstoolkitforsprintervans 10098425

Ball-Joint Splitter ' Press Tool Kit for Sprinter Vans

Feb. 26, 2008
New from Klann is their KL-0165-35 Ball-Joint Splitter ' Press Tool Kit for Sprinter vans. The kit helps reduce service times with a heavy-duty splitter for pressing the ball-...
Oilfilertoolset 10098427

Oil Filer Tool Set

Feb. 26, 2008
Wall-Mountable Storage Rack KLANN Tools has made available a new tool set designed to prevent improper tightening of oil filters. The set includes a Torcofix torque wrench pre...
Strutspringcompressorsforimports 10098421

Strut ' Spring Compressors for Imports

Feb. 26, 2008
Selected by Porsche North America for use in their U.S. dealerships, Klann Tools offers their line of spring compressors and associated strut service tools. For strut-equipped...
2newoilfilters 10098419

2 New Oil Filters

Feb. 26, 2008
Klann Tools offers 2 new oil filter tools through Matco. Both tools are forges, plated shallow hexagon sockets with 3/8" drive, enabling the use of a torque wrench to reinstall...
Injectornozzlepullers 10098429

Injector Nozzle Pullers

Feb. 26, 2008
Removing injector nozzles from Mercedes CDI engines in Mercedes-Benz sedans and Dodge/Freightliner vans can be tough, especially if they've tightened in the cylinder heads over...
Trimclippliers 10098423

Trim Clip Pliers

Feb. 26, 2008
Klann's Trim Clip Pliers are designed for removing plastic trim clips used for interiors, wheel arch and engine shields, body trim and ATV panels. The new pliers can be used in...
Specialautomotivetoolscatalog 10098431
Employees & Training

Special Automotive Tools Catalog

Feb. 26, 2008
Klann's catalog features specialty automotive tools including tools for changing springs and shock absorbers, steering system tools, axle repair tools, brake service tools, engine...
Motometercompressiontester 10124810
Diagnostic & Repair

Motometer Compression Tester

June 25, 2007
MotoMeter from Klann Tools is an "EKG for engines." Unlike other compression testers that use electrical cranking amps to make a cylinder comparison, the MotoMeter records actual...
Studextractor 10124812

Stud Extractor

June 25, 2007
Klann Tool's universal tool for stud extraction and insertion is impact-rated and offered in either 3/8" or 1/2" drives. Simply attach the extractor and turn down the impact gun...