Mission Critical Electronics (MCE), in partnship with ZeroRPM, delivered the ZeroRPM System which converts conventional vehicles into hybrid units by eliminating idling while continuing to power all onboard equipment, including HVAC. The lithium-ion battery technology integrates with a vehicle’s engine and existing electrical system, providing extended engine-off A/C and heating, plus full power to onboard electronics, including lights, radios, and computers. The ZeroRPM System offers hands-free control: Once a vehicle is in park, the system automatically shuts down the engine and provides all required power utilizing lithium-ion batteries with a five-year warranty. For extended times of stationary use of the vehicle, the ZeroRPM System manages the engine start/stop to recharge the batteries as needed. The system is available through MCE’s Xantrex, Purkeys, and Kussmaul brands.
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